Slow Down – Better Sleep

3.990 kr.

Ef þú átt átt erfitt með að ná þér niður eftir daginn, finnur fyrir miklu stressi og sefur illa eða ert undir miklu álagi er Slow Down varan fyrir þig. Hér er um að ræða blöndu af ZMA, GABA og náttúrulegum jurtum sem saman róa taugarnar og færa þig ofurblítt inní draumlandið á kvöldi og gefur betri svefn.

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ZMA er fæðubótarefni útaf fyrir sig sem margir taka fyrir svefn en það er zinc, magnesium og B-vitamín og saman stuðla þessi efni að bættum svefni og auknu testósterón magni. GABA er hinsvegar til staðar í taugakerfinu okkar og aðstoðar okkur við að ná fram slökun og dregur gjarnan úr kvíða. Þar að auki örvar GABA framleiðslu líkamans á vaxtarhórmónum svo það kemur sér einstaklega vel fyrir þá sem stunda líkamsrækt og vilja hámarka árangur sinn.

Hér er að neðan er að sjá lista yfir þau innihaldsefni sem finna má í Slow Down og helstu virkni þeirra.

*Lemon balm helps against troubled and bloated stomach. Lemon balm helps to maintain a restful sleep *The chamomile’s content of coumarin provides soothing results especially in concerns and restlessness and facilitates sleep. It has good antispasmodic properties that help in painful menstruation and PMS symptoms. The chamomile is said to relieve stress, anxiety and difficulty sleeping.
*L-teanine improves sleep quality and helps you unwind. Teanin is also an effective substance that increases the GABA values ​​in the brain.
*GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is the most common inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system that makes us feel more at ease. So it works just opposite to neurotransmitters like norepinephrine that „speed up the system“ GABA can be a help in chronic fatigue, anxiety and contribute to better sleep. When you have a shortage of GABA, it often turns out that the nervous system is overactive and that you have difficulty relaxing, with the risk of burnout as a result. GABA is necessary for short-term memory and for recovery and to reduce stress. GABA is needed for the male prostate. GABA also helps stimulate the release of growth hormone GH. GABA is synthesized in the body from Glutamic acid.
*Zinc contributes, among other things, to a normal energy conversion. The mineral also promotes optimal testosterone levels and a functioning protein synthesis.
*Magnesium counteracts muscle fatigue and contributes to normal muscle function and electrolyte balance. Magnesium reduces the stress hormones in the body and thus reduces the physical stress. A magnesium supplement before bedtime is said to contribute to easier sleep and increased sleep quality, because the muscles relax and the stress melts away.


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