STEEL SLIM® Þyngdartaps-formúla

8.990 kr.

All-in-One fitubrennarinn og þyngdartaps-formúlan frá SteelFit er blanda áhrifaríkra og hágæða innihaldsefna sem að öllu leyti er ætlað að hafa áhrif og flýta fyrir þyngdartapi með því að draga úr kaloríu-upptöku, geymslu og uppsöfnun fitu, óþarfa vökvasöfnunar og sleni.  Þetta efni inniheldur ekki koffín.

  • Flýtir fyrir fitutapi
  • Örvar efnaskipti
  • Eflir andann og gerir þig orkumeiri
  • Dregur úr óþarfa matarlöngun.

Steel Slim inniheldur náttúruleg efni sem sögð eru í lýsingu framleiðandans, miða að auknum efnaskiptum, efla andann, auka orku, auka hitamyndun, draga úr líkamsfitu og minnka matarlyst eða óþarfa matargirnd eða “cravings”.

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Með því að sameina kosti upplausnar sem unnin er úr drekaaldin og laufi túnfífils (dandelion leaf extract), virkar Steel Slim einnig sem þvagræsilyf eða vökvalosari. Í samsetningu þessarar vöru eru einnig efni sem stuðla að útskolun sindurefna með kröftugum andoxunarefnum sem ætlað er að draga úr bólgum og neikvæðum einkennum sem sindurefnum kunna að fylgja.

Inntökur: 3 hylki á dag, með morgunmat. Drekkið 6-8glös af vatni yfir daginn. Þótt varan innihaldi ekki koffín er ekki mælt með að taka efnið inn seinna en 4klst fyrir svefntíma svo tryggt sé að svefngæði raskist ekki.

Mögulegir ofnæmisvakar: Varan getur innihaldið snefilefni skelfisks, og því ekki óhætt að taka fyrir fólk með skelfiskofnæmi. Fólk með hnetuofnæmi eða mjólkuróþol  eða soya-ofnæmi ætti heldur ekki að taka þessa vöru.

ATH. Ekki ætlað börnum, ófrískum konum eða brjóstmilkingum, en ætti þó að vera óhætt að taka af þeim sem þjást af háu blóðþrýstingi. Leiki af heilsufarsástæðum nokkur vafi á hvort óhætt sé að taka efnið, skal alltaf ráðfæra sig við lækninn sinn. Efnið má ekki taka inn með áfengi og ætti að hætta að taka þetta lyf að lágmarki 2 vikum fyrir aðgerðir ef slíkar eru fyrirhugaðar.

Innihaldsefni og upplýsingar framleiðanda:

  • Selenium (as Selenium Yeast) (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae): Trace mineral which serves as a constituent of proteins involved in DNA synthesis, reproduction, cognitive function, thyroid hormone metabolism, protection from oxidative damage, and immune function.*
  • Chromium (as Chromium Picolinate): Trace mineral involved in carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism and well-known to enhance the action of insulin in the body.*
  • L-Tyrosine: A non-essential amino acid that plays an important role in producing neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine. Also, because L-Tyrosine is necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormone and epinephrine (adrenaline), L-Tyrosine supports healthy glandular function and stress response.*
  • Dragon Fruit Extract (Hylocereus Undatus) (CatcOLean™): CactOLean™ is an all-natural, standardized fruit extract derived from Dragon Fruit included for its antioxidant and appetite-regulating properties.*
  • Dandelion Lead Extract (Taraxacum Officinale): An extremely effective diuretic that does not cause the side effects of mineral depletion. It contains powerful diuretic compounds called taraxasterols that support the secretion of excess water and bitter compounds that enhance the efficiency of the body’s eliminative and detoxifying functions.*
  • Green Tea Extract (Camellia Sinensis) (80% Catechins & 50% EGCG): Green Tea contains a combination of vitamins, minerals, and caffeine. Most of Green Tea’s health benefits can be attributed to active ingredients known as polyphenols and catechins – plant compounds with strong antioxidant activity. The most potent of these polyphenols is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)—the compound most responsible for green tea’s reputation as a fat burner. Green Tea has been shown to improve the metabolic rate and increase the body’s heat production and fat oxidation.*
  • Organic Atlantic Kelp (Ascophyllum Nodosum) (Whole Plant): Iodine is an essential trace mineral that plays a crucial role in proper thyroid function, and subsequently, metabolism. Steel Slim® includes 150 mcg of iodine derived from a type of seaweed called kelp to support proper thyroid function and cognition, aiding metabolism and energy production for enhanced fat loss.*
  • Theacrine (as TeaCrine®): Developed by Compound Solutions, TeaCrine® is a chemical cousin of caffeine derived from Kucha. TeaCrine® provides smooth, long-lasting energy that pairs well with the immediate energy burst of caffeine to form an energy high that lasts for hours on end. One other huge benefit to TeaCrine® is that it does NOT come with the tolerance build-up that caffeine does, meaning that you get the same boost in energy, mood, and focus without having to increase the amount you consume continually.*
  • Grains of Paradise Seed Extract (Aframum Melegueta): A spice belonging to the ginger family that stimulates brown adipose tissue, boosting metabolism and increasing thermogenesis while decreasing visceral fat in the lower abdomen.*
  • Resveratrol (Polygonum Cuspidatum): Resveratrol is part of a group of compounds called polyphenols. Resveratrol is regarded as having powerful antioxidant effects, supporting health at the cellular level and protecting against symptoms associated with aging and free radical damage.*
  • Ginger Root Extract (Zingiber Officinale Roscoe): Ginger is a root herb from the tropical plant Zingiber Officinale. Known for its sharp scent, it has long been an important culinary spice in Asian cuisine and herbal medicine. Ginger seems to influence body weight and composition by boosting the body’s thermogenesis and energy expenditure, increasing the breakdown of fat in adipose tissue, and reducing dietary fat absorption in the intestine.*
  • Saffron (stigma) (Crocus Sativus L.) (affron®): affron® is the first saffron extract standardized by HPLC to Lepticrosalides®, bioactive compounds that promote relaxation, mental and physical balance, and support a positive mood.* affron® has also been shown to enhance satiety, reduce appetite, and promote weight loss.*
  • Dihydrocapsiate (from Sweet Peppers) (CapsiAtra®): A compound found in CH-19 Sweet Peppers that activates the sympathetic nervous system via receptors in the GI Tract to Increase Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) and Increase Fat Oxidation (Lipolysis).*


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